You've come here at a hard time and we want to make this a tiny bit easier. Sometimes it can be difficult to know exactly what all the rules are when it comes to attending a funeral. Funeral attire doesn’t have to be a guessing game. Follow this go-to guide to ensure you are putting your best foot forward even during such a sorrowful event. Here’s what to wear to a funeral.
What to Wear To A Funeral: Funeral Attire For Women
Dress To Blend Into The Crowd

This is not an event that you want to stand out at. Save stylish and decked out attire for another occasion. Wear a dark dress or pantsuit that is modest and classy. Blacks and navys are appropriate tones. Other dark colors can work too, just avoid the urge to go with bright shades. A red dress is fabulous in the workplace or restaurant but it’s not so fabulous at a funeral. Like everything else, patterns should be muted. It’s okay to wear a pattern but it should be dark with very little contrast. This black mesh dress by Eliza J from Nordstrom, has slight patterns and cutouts but is a good example of keeping the look toned down without sacrificing style.
Save that short, fun dress for another time, even if it’s black. You want to be a little more covered at a funeral than normal. It’s a sign of respect and reverence for the deceased and their family. A dress should not fall high above the knees, and your shoulders should be covered even if it’s with a scarf or jacket. You will also want to ensure that whether you have a dress or pantsuit, the neckline is high and that no cleavage is showing. This Tommy Hilfiger belted and pleated dress is a perfect nod to the classics and keeps you covered.
Put Your Best Legs Forward

As exampled by Duchess Kate, covering your legs elevates classic attire. Wearing a pair of sheer pantyhose adds a smooth look of perfection to your legs and completes the classic ensemble.

A pair of black opaque tights can also go well with your funeral dress. Black tights with a black dress is the perfect montone head-to-toe funeral wear look.
Your legs can blend in but your tights brand doesn’t have to. With Hipstiks, you get the best of both worlds. You don’t have to worry about your tights or sheers rolling down because of the unique comfort luxe waistband. Plus, you can focus on mourning and offering support, instead of your waistline, when you’re comfortable. Keep your legs looking phenomenal while you stay comfortable, no matter how long the service lasts.
Find sheer pantyhose, sheer black pantyhose and black tights.
Shoes Are Not Created Equal

Yes the type of shoe you wear really does matter, and keeping right alongside our theme, keep it simple and subtle. Traditional flats are the perfect solution. Get back to basics and stay away from bold and over the top. These black ballet flats from Nine West would be a good option.
Heels are great too, just try to veer away from bright colors or too much shine. Save the sequins and sparkle for another day.
Tone It Down
Wear makeup that is simple and tasteful. Use earth tones that blend in and don’t stand out. This is one time you don’t want to stand out in the crowd. You can find funeral makeup tips here.
When In Doubt, Don’t Bling It Out
Keep your jewelry low key. A simple necklace, watch, wedding ring if applicable, bracelet, and earrings will be all you need. Keep it simple and classic. Gold or silver tones without gems work well to keep it muted. This circle pendant from ZoeLev Jewelry on Etsy is a good example of a simple gold necklace:
Pearl necklaces can also be a timeless addition.
What To Wear To A Funeral: Funeral Attire For Men
Needing tips on what the man in your life should wear? Well, look no further, because we’ve got you covered.
Dress Sharp
A black suit and black tie with a white dress shirt is the best funeral ensemble. The tie can be interchanged for a dark burgundy or navy tie. Navy or Gray are also suitable substitutions for the suit jacket and pants.
Keep His Accessories To A Minimum
A watch and his wedding band, if applicable, are all he needs to keep it low key. A pair of freshly polished black dress shoes are essential. If a navy suit is worn, a dark brown pair of dress shoes will pair nicely.
Whether you are a family member or a friend of the deceased, following these steps help keep you from attracting attention that should go elsewhere. It allows you and the other attendees to focus on the real reason you are there, paying your respects to the deceased and their family. Keep everything low key and you are sure to make the right impression during a sorrowful time.
Hipstik is a woman-owned and operated company that specializes in helping women feel comfortable in the skin they’re in. With their state-of-the-art no-squeeze, comfort waistband, and high-quality materials, our tights help you fall in love on the first wear. Click to view sheer pantyhose and opaque tights collections.